Home Page Home Page, Lesson Plan for class 9, Lesson Plan for class 11, Mathematics Lab Activities for class 11, Mathematics Lab Activities for class 12, Recent Sample Papers For Classes X, XI, XII Common Errors in Secondary Mathematics Mathematics Lesson Plan Lesson plan is a technique used by a mathematics teacher to improve their efficiency and the teaching learning process. Before entered in the class room a teacher plan his lesson. If planning is good the students enjoy the teaching learning process. So planning for a teacher is must. Here is a detail of chapter-wise planning of lessons for class 9. Lesson Plan Mathematics Class 9 Lesson Plan Ch-1 | Number System Lesson Plan Ch-2 | Polynomials Lesson Plan Ch-3 | Coordinate Geometry Lesson Plan Ch-4 | Linear equations in two variable Lesson Plan Ch-5 | Euclid's Geometry Lesson Plan Ch-6 | Line...