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Essential Components of Lesson Plan

 Method of writing E-lesson Plan, Sequence of Essential Components required for writing lesson plan, Easy way to write Lesson Plan, steps for writing E-Lesson Plan


Applicable to all subjects

This is a technique of writing a lesson plan for all subjects and foe all the classes. This technique is suggested by CBSE.
Unplanned teaching and learning is a recipe of wasting time.

There were different techniques of writing lesson plan. This technique may vary from teacher to teacher and from subject to subject. Following are the best possible points which can be used for making lesson plan for all subjects.

Before start writing the lesson plan a teacher should kept the following points in their mind.

  • Planning
  • What is a lesson plan?
  • What to consider when writing a lesson plan?
  • Three key components for thinking
  • The steps for preparation of lesson plan

1) Planning
It is both the most time consuming and the most important work we do. It is the foundation of our interactions with the students.

Planning are of two types: Poor Planning and Good Planning

Poor Planning Results in the following ways

Frustration for the teacher and the student

Aimless wandering.

No connections to prior learning's


Lack of needed materials

A waste of time.

Poor Management

Good Planning Results in the following ways

Keeps the teacher and students on track

Achieve the objectives

Help teachers to avoid "unpleasant" surprise

Provides the road map and visuals in a logical sequence

Encourage reflection, refinement and improvement

Enhances students achievement

2) What is a lesson plan?

A lesson plan is a written guide for the teacher's plan in order to achieve the intended learning outcomes. It provides specific definition and direction on learning objectives, equipment, instructional media, material requirements and conduct of the lesson.

3) What to consider when writing a lesson plan?

a) Know your students
b) Know the content
c) Know the instructional Material.

4) Three key components for thinking

a) What do I want students to learn
b) What teaching and learning activities will I use.
c) How will I check for understanding.

5) The steps for preparation of lesson plan

·        Selection of the content area

·        Identification of key concept and connectors.

·        Exploration and filtering of varied resources.

·        Design of teaching/learning strategy.

·        Preparation of the presentation (questions, explanations, illustrations)

·        Design of the assessment / preparation of assessments.

·        Review and remediation.


Essential  components of a lesson plan




Procedure and presentation

Written work / Practice

Closure Assessment

1 Profile: It include the following points

  • Name of the lesson 
  • Subject
  • Grade/Level
  • General Description of the lesson
  • Standard

2. Objective: It include the following points

a) Determine what you want students to learn and be able to do.

b) Focus on the concept or skill which you intend to teach.

c) Use of S.M.A.R.T. Technique (Specific, Measurable, attainable, result oriented and time bound.

The ABCDs of Learning Outcomes should be kept in mind while deciding the learning outcomes. These are as follows

a) Audience : Who is learning ?

b) Behavior : What do we want learners to do ?

c) Condition : Understand what conditions will learners be assessed?

d) Degree: What level of performance we expect?

3. Brainstorming:( Grab the attention of the students)
 It include the following points

Provides the Interest / Motivation factor

Set the tone for the lesson connected to the objective which include, a question, a story, an activity or a discussion starter not more than 5 minutes.

Intelligence means the ability to learn.

Multiple Intelligence explains how we learn.

4) Procedure and presentation: It include the following points

a) Set up a step by step plan

b) Provides specific activities to assist students in developing the new knowledge.

5) Written work / Practice: It include the following points
  • Applying what is learned
  • Guided practice (Teacher controlled)
  • Independent Practice.
6. Closure Assessment: It includes the following points

Assess the outcome and to what extent the objective were achieved.

Ensure the assessment activity is directly and explicitly tied to the stated objectives.

Take time to reflect upon the result, and revise the lesson plan accordingly.

Some commonly used assessment activities
  • Quizzes, Independently performed worksheets (H.W.)
  • Cooperative learning activities
  • Hands- on experiments
  • Oral Discussion
  • Question and answer session
  • Written work / Practice:

Technology Integration Lesson Plan (CBSE Guidelines)

CBSE suggested 5 E's model of writing lesson plan. Explanation of 5 E's model of writing lesson plan and sample format is given as follows.

Lesson Goals/ Objectives: 

 What will students experience and be able to do as a result of this lesson or project?

Curriculum Addressed: 

What specific curriculum learning outcomes will be addressed in this lesson or project?

Technology Addressed: 

 What technology skills and/or goals will be addressed in this lesson or project?

Technology Required: 

What software programs and hardware are needed for this lesson or project?

Other Materials/ Resources: 

What other materials will be needed to carry out the lesson objectives? What resources will be needed including books, web page links and/or outside speakers, etc.?

5E’s Model of Lesson Plan
Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate

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This lesson mentally engage students with an activity or question. It captures their interest, provides an opportunity for them to express what they know the concept or skill being developed, and helps them to make connections between what they know and the new ideas.


What the student does that is consistent with this model:
Shows interest in the topic by asking questions, such as:

  • "Why did this happen?"
  • "What do I already know about this?"
  • "What can I find out about this?"


Students carry out hands on activities in which they can explore the concept or skill. They grapple with the problem or phenomenon and describe it in their own words. This phase allows students to acquire a common set of experiences that they can use to help each other make sense of the new concepts or skill.


What the student does that is consistent with this model:

  • Uses inquiry to explore and investigate; to satisfy his/her curiosity about the chosen concept/topic.
  • Thinks freely, but within the limits of the activity.
  • Tests predictions and hypotheses.
  • Forms new predictions and hypotheses.
  • Experiments with alternatives and discusses then with others.
  • Records observations and ideas.
  • Suspends judgments’.


Only after students have explored the concept or skill does the teacher provide the concepts and terms used by the students to develop explanations for the phenomenon they have experienced. The significant aspect of this face is that explanation follows experience.


What the student does that is consistent with this model:

  • Uses various informational resources, group discussions, and teacher interaction to derive definitions and explanations of the chosen concept.
  • Explains possible solutions or answers to others' explanations.
  • Listens critically to others' explanations.
  • Questions others' explanations.
  • Listens to and tries to comprehend explanations the teacher offers.
  • Refers to previous activities.
  • Uses recorded observations in explanations.


This phase provide opportunities for students to apply what they have learnt to new situations and so develop a deeper understanding of the concept or greater use of the skill. It is important for students to discuss and compare their ideas with each other during this phase.


What the student does that is consistent with this model:

  • Makes connections and sees relationships of the concept/topic in other content areas.
  • Forms expanded understanding of original concepts/topics.
  • Makes connections of concept/topic to real world situations.


The final phase provides an opportunity for students to review and reflect on their own learning and new understanding skills. It is also when student provide evidence for changes to their understanding, believes and skills.


What the student does that is consistent with this model

  • Answers open-ended questions by using observations, evidence, and previously accepted explanations.
  • Demonstrates an understanding or knowledge of the concept or skill.
  • Evaluates his or her own progress and knowledge.
  • Uses alternative assessments to demonstrate their understanding of the concept/topic.

Teacher Self-Assessment: 

 How well did the lesson work overall? What were the strengths of the lesson? What were the weaknesses of the lesson? How can I improve the lesson for next time?


Technology Integration Lesson Plan (CBSE Guidelines)

(with Constructivism Elements)


Download Editable word file here

Format for Making E-Lesson Plan

Teacher                    :   XYZ

School                         :  XYZ

Subject Area(s)        :  XYZ

Grade Level / Class   :  XYZ

Lesson Title/Topic   :  XYZ

Estimated Duration  :  XYZ



Lesson Goals/ Objectives:


Curriculum Addressed: 


Technology Addressed: 


Technology Required: 


Other Materials/  Resources: 

















Teacher Self-Assessment: 


Additional tips for writing Lesson Plan

Never use others lesson plan. Your lesson plan is unique for your class and your students.

Write the lesson plan only when you are relatively free.

Check the additional resources provided in the teacher resource material

Keep your e resources checked well in advance.

Mention the links that you are using in the Lesson Plan

The lesson plan has to be flexible.

Decide on the rubrics well in advance.

See your own performance as a teacher

See what are the improvements that you can do.




  1. Very nice tips.. could you please send it for social

  2. Wonderful and well planned .
    Thanks for your true guidance

  3. Wonderful and well planned,highly effective


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