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Mathematics Lab Activity-3 Class XI


 Mathematics Lab Activity-3 Class XI

Mathematics Laboratory Activities on set theory for class XI students Non-Medical. These activities are strictly according to the CBSE syllabus

Chapter - 1 | Set Theory

Activity - 3


To verify distributive law for three non-empty sets A, B and C, that is 

A⋃ (B ⋂ C) = (A⋃B)⋂(A ⋃C)

Material Required

Hardboard, thick sheet of paper, pencil, colours, scissors, adhesive.


Distributive Law

For any three sets A, B and C, we have :

1. ⋃ (B ⋂ C) = (A ⋃ B) ⋂ (A ⋃ C)

2. ⋂ (B ⋃ C) = (A ⋂ B) ⋃ (A ⋂ C)


 1. Cut five rectangular strips from a sheet of paper and paste them on the hardboard so that three of the rectangles are in horizontal line and paste the remaining two rectangles also horizontally in a line just below the above three rectangles.

2. Write the symbol U in the left or right corner of each rectangle as shown in the figures below. U denotes the universal set represented by the rectangles.

3. Draw three circles and mark them as A, B, C in all the rectangles. Circles A, B, and C represent the subsets of the universal set U.

        Fig 4.1     B ⋂ C                             

Fig 4.2    A  B                  
Fig 4.3    A  C

Fig. 4.4   A  (BC)                             Fig. 4.5   (A⋃B)⋂(A⋃C)


1. In figure 4.1 colored  portion represents B ⋂ C

2. In figure 4.2 colored  portion represents  A  B .

3. In figure 4.3 colored  portion represents ⋂ C .

4. In figure 4.4 colored  portion represents A  (B ⋂ C) .

5. In figure 4.5 colored  portion represents A ⋃ B) ⋂ (A ⋃ C)

6. On measurement common colored portion in fig. 4.4  is equal to the colored portion in figure 4.5.     (B ⋂ C) = ⋃ B) ⋂ (A ⋃ C)


Distributive property is verified  (B ⋂ C) = ⋃ B) ⋂ (A ⋃ C)
Simlarly Distributive property ⋂ (B ⋃ C) = (A ⋂ B) ⋃ (A ⋂ C) can also be verified


The distributive law of set operations is used in the simplification of problems involving set operations.


Q. 1. What are the properties of the operations of union of two sets ?

Ans. Operations of union of two sets have the following properties :

i) It holds commutative law :   B =  A       
ii) It holds Associative law   :   (A  B)  C  =   (B  C)
iii) Law of identity element:  ɸ = ɸ  A = A
iv)  Idempotent Law : A ⋃ A = A
v) Law of universal set: U  A = U

Q. 2. What are the properties of the operation of intersection of two sets ?

Ans. The operation of intersection of two sets has the following properties :

i) It holds commutative law :   A ∩ B = B ∩ A
ii) It holds Associative law :     A ∩ (B ∩ C) = (A ∩ B) ∩ C 
iii) Law of identity element:     A ∩ ɸ = ɸ ∩ A = ɸ
vi) It holds the distributive law :   ∩ (B  C) = (A ∩ B)  (A ∩ C) 
v) Law of Universal set:   U ∩ A = A
vi) Idempotent Law : A ∩ A = A

Q. 3 Which set theory is used in the present day mathematics?

Ans. Georg cantor’s set theory.




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