Mathematics Lab Activity-10 Class XII
Mathematics Laboratory Activities 09 on Applications of Derivatives for class XI Non-Medical students with complete observation tables strictly according to the CBSE syllabus.
Chapter - 06
applications of derivatives
Activity - 10
To find the time when the
area of a rectangle of given dimensions become maximum, if the length is
decreasing and breadth is increasing at given rates.
Material Required
Chart paper, paper cutter,
scale, pencil, eraser, cardboard.
1. Take a rectangle R1 of
dimensions 16 cm x 8 cm.
2. Let the length of the rectangle is
decreasing at the rate of 1cm/second and the breadth is increasing at the rate
of 2cm/second.
3. Cut other rectangles R2 , R3
, R4, R5, R6 , R7, R8, R9,
etc. of dimensions 15 cm x 10 cm, 14 cm x 12 cm, 13cm x 14 cm, 12 cm x 16 cm,
11 cm x 18 cm, 10cm x 20 cm, 9 cm x 22 cm, 8cm x 24 cm.
4. Paste all these rectangles on a card
board as shown in figure 10.1.
5. The length of the rectangle decreasing at the rate of 1cm/s and breadth is increasing at the rate of 2 cm/s.
6. Area of the given rectangle R1
= 16 x 8 = 128 cm2.
7. Area of the given rectangle R2
= 15 x 10 = 150 cm2 (after 1 sec)
8. Area of the given rectangle R3
= 14 x 12 = 168 cm2 (after 2 sec)
9. Area of the given rectangle R4
= 13 x 14 = 182 cm2 (after 3 sec)
10. Area of the given rectangle R5
= 12 x 16 = 192 cm2 (after 4 sec)
11. Area of the given rectangle R6
= 11 x 18 = 198 cm2 (after 5 sec)
12. Area of the given rectangle R7
= 10 x 20 = 200 cm2 (after 6 sec)
13. Area of the given rectangle R8 = 9 x
22 = 198 cm2 (after 7 sec)
1. Area of the rectangle R1 = 128 cm2.
2. Area of the rectangle R2
(after 1 second) = 150 cm2.
3. Area of the rectangle R3
(after 2 second) = 168 cm2.
4. Area of the rectangle R4
(after 3 second) = 182 cm2.
5. Area of the rectangle R5
(after 4 second) = 192 cm2.
6. Area of the rectangle R6
(after 5 second) = 198 cm2.
7. Area of the rectangle R7
(after 6 second) = 200 cm2.
8. Area of the rectangle R8
(after 7 second) = 198 cm2.
9. Area of the rectangle is maximum after 6
seconds and the Maximum
area of the rectangle is 200cm2
Maximum area of the
rectangle is 200cm2 after 6 seconds.
This activity is used in
explaining the concept of rate of change of quantities
Q1. Define rate of change of function y = f(x)
Ans. If a quantity y varies with another quantity x such that y = f(x), then
represents the rate of change of y w.r.t x.
Q2. What symbol is used to write rate of change of y w. r. t. t ?
. Q3. What symbol is used to write rate of change of y w. r. t. x ?
Q4. What is chain rule ?
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