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Mathematics Lab Activity-01 Class 10 | Quadratic Polynomial

   Mathematics Lab Activity-01 Class X

Mathematics Laboratory Activities on Quadratic Polynomial for class X students with complete observation tables strictly according to the CBSE syllabus.

Chapter - 02 : quadratic polynomial

Activity - 01


To draw the graph of a quadratic polynomial and observe:

(i) The shape of the curve when the coefficient of x2 is positive.

(ii) The shape of the curve when the coefficient of x2  is negative.

(iii) Its number of zeroes.


Cardboard, graph paper, ruler, pencil, eraser, pen, adhesive.


1. Take cardboard of a convenient size and paste a graph paper on it.

2. Consider a quadratic polynomial f (x) = ax2 + bx + c.

3. Two cases arise: (i) a > 0   (ii) a < 0

4. Find the ordered pairs (x, f (x)) for different values of x in the quadratic equation x2 + 0x - 1 (any other quadratic equation can be taken with a > 0).

5. Plot these ordered pairs in the cartesian plane.

6. Join the plotted points by a free hand curve as shown in the figure 1.

Figure 1

7. Find the ordered pairs (x, f (x)) for different values of x in the quadratic equation -x2 + 0x + 4 (any other quadratic equation can be taken with a < 0).

8. Plot these ordered pairs in the cartesian plane.

9. Join the plotted points by a free hand curve as shown in the figure 2.

Figure 2

10. The shape of the curve obtained in each case (in fig.1 and in fig. 2) is a parabola.

11. It opens upward when coefficient of x2  is positive [see Fig. 1]. 

12. Parabola opens downward when coefficient of x2 is negative [see Fig. 2 ]

13. Maximum number of zeroes which a quadratic polynomial can have is 2, because in each case the curves cut the x-axis at two points.


1. Parabola in Fig. 1 opens  upward.
2. Parabola in Fig. 2 opens downward.
3. In Fig. 1, parabola intersects x-axis at two points.
4. Number of zeroes of the given polynomial are two.
5. Parabola in Fig. 2 intersects x-axis at two point(s).
6. Number of zeroes of the given polynomial are two.
7. Maximum number of zeroes, a quadratic polynomial can have = two.

This activity helps in
1. Understanding the geometrical representation of a quadratic polynomial
2. Finding the number of zeroes of a quadratic polynomial.

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