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Mathematics Lab Activity-19 Class X | Surface Area and Volume

 Mathematics Lab Activity-19 Class X

Mathematics Lab Activities on Surface Area & Volume for class X students with complete observation tables strictly according to the CBSE syllabus.

Chapter - 12

surface area and volume

Activity - 19

To find the relationship among the volumes of a right circular cone, a hemisphere and a right circular cylinder of equal radii and equal heights.

Material Required
Cardboard, acrylic sheet, cutter, a hollow ball, adhesive, marker, sand or salt.

1. Make a cone of radius "a" units and height "a" units by cutting a sector of a circle of suitable radius using acrylic sheet and place it on the cardboard [see Fig. 1]

Figure 1

2. Take a hollow ball of radius, say, "a" units and cut this ball into two halves [see Fig. 2].

Figure 2

3. Make a cylinder of radius "a" unit and height "a" unit, by cutting a rectangular sheet of a suitable size. Stick it on the cardboard [see Fig. 3].

Figure 3
4. Fill the cone with sand (or salt) and pour it twice into the hemisphere. The hemisphere is completely filled with sand.
Therefore, volume of cone = (1/2) volume of hemisphere.

5. Fill the cone with sand (or salt ) and pour it thrice into the cylinder. The cylinder is completely filled with sand.
Therefore, volume of cone = (1/3) volume of cylinder.

6. Volume of cone : Volume of hemisphere : Volume of cylinder = 1 : 2 : 3

Observations & calculations

Let radius of cone = "a" units
Height of cone = "a" units
Volume of cone   equation ..........(i)
Radius of cone = "a" units
Volume of cone   equation  .......(ii)
Radius of culinder = "a" units
Height of cylinder = "a" units
Volume of cylinder equation  equation ..... (iii)
Compairing all the three volumes given in eqn. (i), (ii), (iii) we get

Cancel πa3 in all the ratios we get 


Multiply all ratios by 3 we get

        1 : 2 : 3 

If cone, hemisphere and cylinder have same radius and height then their volumes are in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 3.


1. This relationship is useful in obtaining the formula for the volume of a cone and that of a hemisphere/sphere from the formula of volume of a cylinder.

2. This relationship among the volumes can be used in making packages of the same material in containers of different shapes such as cone, hemisphere, cylinder.




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