E- LESSON PLAN SUBJECT MATHEMATICS CLASS 10+1 lesson plan for maths class XI cbse, lesson plans for mathematics teachers, Method to write lesson plan for maths class 11, lesson plan for maths class XI, lesson plan for mathematics grade XI, lesson plan for maths teacher in B.Ed. Lesson Plan, Class XI (Chapter 9) For Mathematics Teacher TEACHER'S NAME : ABC SCHOOL: XYZ SUBJECT : MATHEMATICS CLASS : XI STANDARD BOARD : CBSE LESSON TOPIC / TITLE: CHAPTER 09: SEQUENCE & SERIES ESTIMATED DURATION: This chapter is divided into 10 modules and is completed in 25 class meetings. PRE- REQUISITE KNOWLEDGE:- Knowledge of number system. Knowledge of arithmetic progression class 10 th . TEACHING AIDS:- Green Board, Chalk, Duster, Charts, smart board, projector, laptop etc. METHODOLOGY:- Lecture method, Demonst